



Teeth, in which root canal treatment will be carried out correctly and then will be secured by appropriate reconstruction, can continue to fulfill their function.

Rescuing damaged tooth is decidedly less invasive conduct than removing it and then replacing it with prosthetic bridge or implant. In the case, in which cured tooth can be a pillar of prosthetic bridge, its preservation defers performing dental prosthesis or inoculation of implant.

The condition of success of root canal treatment is mechanical and chemical cleaning and broadening all root canals along their whole length. The doctor’s office has at its disposal all specialist equipment necessary to carry out this type of treatment.

In modern endodontics the work with microscope is crucial. It enables to perceive important details necessary to carry out correct treatment, for example additional canals, fragments of tools left during previous interventions.

Root canal treatment is preceded by precise analysis of radiovisiography analysis and electronic measurement of the length of root canals by means of endometer.

I work out canals by means of nickel and titanium tools and then I fill them tightly with plastic gutta-percha.

Currently many teeth, which not so long ago were doomed to remove, can be treated and rescued. In my doctor’s office I carry out interventions of repeat root canal treatment, thanks to which therapeutic success is possible.